Tips for preparing and organizing the new school year
Are you ready for the new school year? We leave some suggestions to facilitate the day-to-day life of the whole family.
For many parents, the year starts in September. After the summer holidays, it's time to organize everything and prepare another full school year! Not forgetting the children that they too have to feel calm and prepared!
Nothing better than to take this time to spend some more time with your children and plan the new year together. Choose a time and, calmly, talk about what went well and less well in the previous year, establish new routines and prepare the action plan to start another year full of energy.
If it is the first year, it is the right time to talk a little about the new challenges and responsibilities.
Children should be an integral and active part in preparing and making decisions on issues that directly concern them. If you help and feel integrated in the planning of the new school year everything will be easier, motivating and fun!
The secret is in planning!
1. Prepare the space
Take this opportunity to clean up the room and study corner. Separate and arrange toys, books and other objects that are not used and should leave the room. Keep them elsewhere or give them to children who may be of help. Teach your child to keep the room clean and tidy.
The study space must be beautiful and peaceful. The human being is very visual and especially children. If the space is quiet, simple and comfortable, they will predictably achieve greater and better concentration and thus achieve good results.
2. Check the clothes. Children grow up so fast that most of the clothes from the previous year are no longer fit. Take the opportunity to check the condition of the clothes and make small arrangements. So, when you need the parts, everything is ready. The clothes must be separated and put away. Prepare a list of what you will need to buy for the new season. Don't forget the equipment for extracurricular activities!
3. School supplies.
Select and organize what is still in use for the new school year and make a list of what you will need to buy. Do not forget that at the beginning of the classes, the teachers deliver a list with the necessary material for the year that begins. Plan to go shopping with your child. Children have their own taste and preferences and involving them in the choices is an excellent strategy to prepare them for the new school year.
4. New activities
If you are considering enrolling in new extracurricular activities, talk to your child, interpret their wishes and decide the activities together. Please note that, in addition to classes and extracurricular activities, having free time to play every day is essential for the harmonious development of children.
5. Helping children to study
The ideal is to start the year to build the foundations of the future, so it is always necessary to prevent the study from happening only on the eve of exams or tests. If you dedicate half an hour of your day to studying with your child, you are creating a routine that is easier to maintain throughout the year and that will serve as a launching pad for individual study. Ask questions, correct TPC.
6. Free day
Children spend most of the day at school or at the ATL, doing work or other activities in the curriculum, and often do not enjoy the weekend as it is necessary to do the TPC, group work or tests. So the ideal is to have one day a week, if it adapts to your family routines where the child can do “whatever he wants”.
Motivated and happy child = the most productive child.
7. Play games
“Studying is a drought”: that's what most people say reaching a certain age. Demystify this idea, creating games with the material that comes out in the tests. The limit is the parents' creativity and availability.
8. Organization and breaks
It is important to organize the study schedule, based on the tastes of each child, avoiding bringing together all the subjects he likes least, so as not to make the moment boring.
Every 45 minutes, allow your child to snack, stretch their legs, talk for a while or even play. The breaks should not be too long, but they are essential for concentration and focus, and also for maintaining a good mood.
9. Memorization by writing
We are increasingly consumed by technology, tablets, laptops, mobile phones and computers, but nothing better than handwriting to understand the subjects and gain knowledge. Writing, solving exercises, summarizing, creating problems and looking for solutions. Handwriting is the basis of any knowledge acquisition process. It is the natural writing par excellence and the one that, according to studies, impels our brain to work like a sponge.
10. When you have the opening hours