Campaign for Raising Prams and Toys
Together we can support hundreds of families and children. As? Too easy. No longer use the baby or child seat in your vehicle? Do you have toys that you can donate?
Help us to help!
Delivered at any of our stations until December 15th.
The toys and chairs raised will be delivered to the Association for Family Planning and the Sol Association.
Both associations will distribute to families and children most in need.
Family Planning Association
Associação Sol

CAEL stations for the collection of donated goods:
Lisboa Aeroporto - Prior Velho
Rua 25 de Abril
Lote 2-A
2685-332 Prior Velho
Lisboa Braamcamp
Rua Braamcamp, nº 52 A
1250-051 Lisboa
Garagem Campolide
Rua de Campolide, nº 181
1070-029 Campolide
Porto Aeroporto
Avª Arqº Fernando Távora, nº 2021
4470-628 Maia
Faro Aeroporto
Estrada do Aeroporto, EN125-10
Vale das Almas - Montenegro
8005-143 Faro